Grocery shopping can be a cumbersome task when you are on a tight budget, but there are options even with limited funds in your wallet. Here are some tips that may help as you navigate the grocery store aisles:
- Make a list and only buy the items you have written down. This will save you both time and money.
- Don’t habitually buy expensive snacks. When you do splurge on pricey snacks, don’t put them in a convenient place. They’ll last longer if you keep them out of reach.
- Buy only as much produce and perishables as your family can eat within a reasonable period of time. When you throw out food, you’re throwing out money.
- Consider buying store brand products as compared to brand name, when the ingredients are the same. Store brand products can be less expensive.
- Buy in bulk on frequently used, nonperishable items, e.g., canned goods, paper products and toiletries especially when they are on sale.
- Look high and low. As you shop, look at the upper and lower shelves because stores often place the most expensive non-sale items at eye levels.
- Search the ends. You will often find the advertised specials at the ends of the aisles; however, they are usually placed alongside non-sale products.
- Use coupons with care. Don’t use coupons for items that you would not normally buy and be sure to ask if the store will double coupons. Some stores will even accept competitor’s coupons.
- Check for sale prices. Look at the store’s entrance or bulletin board for sale flyers. Don’t forget to check in local newspapers or online for additional coupons.
During these tight economic times it pays to have grocery shopping strategy before you head out to the grocery store of your choice.
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